Enhanced creativity

Better sleep


Lower stress

Faster muscle recovery

Stronger immune system

Improved sports perfonmance

Decrease anxiety

  • Breathing is something we all do nearly 25,000 per day and is a piece of our physiology which can be both consciously and unconsciously performed. Could you imagine having to consciously think about each of the 25,000 breaths you took on a daily basis? If consciously practiced, the way we breath will directly affect the way we feel! Do you want more energy… you can breathe a specific way for that! Do you want to feel more calm and clarity… we all do, and breathwork can get you there very simply. The thing about breathing is since we do it so often, any small changes in how we breathe creates momentous effects on our life and how we feel. Do you want to feel better, sleep better, and have more energy? Of course! Well let’s bring our attention to our breath!


Energy booster

Enhanced circulation

Weight loss

Better sleep

Reduces Inflammation

Improved immune response

More focus

Mental resilience

  • Our modern society celebrates and protects this thought that everything should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Technology has allowed us to perfectly control the climate in our homes which feels really good, however our species did not evolve, until now on such comfort and the lack of challenging circumstances. Voluntarily exposing your body and mind to cold water creates an immediate and strong stressor which releases “happy hormone”, exercises your cardiovascular system, reduces chronic pain, gives relief for anxiety and depression, and teaches the mind how to deal with stress. If you want to get a stronger body, you go to the gym and lift weights. If you want a stronger mind, introduce bouts of cold water into your life and your mindset will harden.


We, as humans, are a complex species given our ability to critically think, solve mathematical problems, explore the cosmos, build extensive metropolitan civilizations, and feel emotions. Our species evolved and thrived in ever-changing environments from dry scorching deserts, to lush tropical rainforests, to frigid high altitude mountainous terrain, and everything in between. Adaptation lies deep in our DNA; a common trait, a genetic specificity, allowing us to live in a variety of different environments. Yet as we get older, we tend to ease into our habitual ways, while settling into our perceived "Comfort Zone." Routine rules our life as the years blend together, and months pass by like the hours on a clock. Our society's obsession with comfort, safety and convenience is choking our deep rooted natural instinct to adapt to new and challenging situations and environments. Challenge and discomfort are a delicious recipe for more personal strength, power, and resilience from stress, anxiety, depression, and physical and mental trauma. 

While there are numerous simple "so called solutions" to our everyday problems, these are often imagined up in scientific imagination and then synthesized in pharmaceutical labs, offering a remedy for our symptoms as opposed to a solution to our underlying problems, anxieties, stresses, and illnesses. So often we look to the world outside of us for the answers to our internal doubts, fears, traumas, and depression, yet the most profound and long lasting results come from our ability to heal ourselves from within. Regaining the awareness to trust in our body’s innate ability to heal itself is one of the most powerful lessons we can learn. Through the development of a personal toolbox of Breathwork, Cold Exposure, Sounds Healing, Vulnerability, Open and Direct Communication, Meditation, and Movement (to name a few); we can gain the correct skills to master our potential for more happiness, health, and strength.



I can definitively say my life’s path embraced a different direction in 2017 after attending a 10 day silent meditation experience called Vipassana on the north island of New Zealand. At 30 years old, I started learning about the depths of myself, the power of intention, thoughts, and our strong ability to create our own misery and manifest our own pleasure.  Before this experience, I labeled myself as a “happy person,” but what I failed to realize was how unaware and ignorant I was to the emotions of life and lacked the confidence to express what I was feeling. It was like I had yet to learn the language of emotions, feelings, and self expression, which is so commonly omitted in the upbringing of boys and men in our society. 

Soon after, I serendipitously stumbled across a Wim Hof Method workshop at a yoga studio on the north island of New Zealand as the immediate benefits of a short, yet powerful breathwork session, mindset training and cold plunge imprinted a further deviation on my path. A couple years went by as I continued my personal Wim Hof Method practice, before becoming a certified instructor by Wim Hof in the Fall of 2019 and remaining active in my teachings. The start of 2022 ushered in a new phase of breathwork learning as I traveled the Netherlands twice in my path to becoming a Masterful Breathwork coach, certified by Kasper van der Meulen, the leading coach, teacher and trainer in breathwork space. Like Kasper, I am passionate about science, earning a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine from Colorado State University, and understand, not only the esoteric breathwork point of view, but also one that is rooted in the foundations of science.


Over the past few years, my focus has been on working with groups from various companies, teaching them breathing techniques and the Wim Hof Method. I have had the opportunity to do this in several different locations, and it has been a rewarding experience to see how these practices can positively impact people's lives.

Through these sessions, I have witnessed individuals learn to manage their stress levels, increase their energy, and improve their overall well-being. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to share these tools with others and to see the profound impact they can have.





  • "Jeremy was very attentive and helpful. He remembered names, answered all questions, kept the energy level high, and kept a very positive and open space. He did a great job and I would do it again!"

    Michael Schenk - 4 March, 2023

  • "Jeremy is an exceptional guide and teacher of the Wim Hof Method. Taking the fundamentals course taught me how to harness breath, mindset, and cold exposure to shift my own physiology and psychology. What I learned from Jeremy will have a lasting impact on my growth personally, professionally and athletically. I highly recommend this course."

    Kelsey Hausman - 2 March, 2023

  • "Was very excited to learn the WH pillars. I would like to contribute these practices in my daily life. I enjoyed it and would highly recommend to others! Thank you Jeremy and WH!"

    Brandis Turner - 2 March, 2023

  • "Jeremy did a wonderful job. He’s so professional yet comfortable, I’ve already recommended several people do it. He frequently reference Wim and the fundamentals to keep it aligned with the vision, I’m assuming. Great work."

    Noah Singer - 7 April, 2022

  • "Jeremy’s instruction was clear, thorough and energetic. He made the experience interesting and enjoyable!"

    Lisa Verzella - 5 April, 2022